About David Orme-Johnson, Ph.D.
Maharishi’s Vedic Psychology is the complete knowledge and practical technologies to unfold the full range of human development. It describes Seven State of Consciousness. The familiar Waking, Dreaming, and Sleep are the first three, and Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness are the sequence of higher states of consciousness.
Higher States of Consciousness Publications
Orme-Johnson, D. W. (2012). The science behind the experience of enlightenment: Measuring the immersuable. Enlightenment: The Transcendental Meditation Magazine, Issue 5. Retrieved from TM Magazine.org website: http://issue5.tmmagazine.org/the-science-of-enlightenment.html.
Orme-Johnson, D. W. (2000). Falling awake. The Archives of Scientists' Transcendent Experiences (TASTE), on-line journal: www.issc-taste.org, Submission #00048.
Orme-Johnson, D.W. (2000). Overview of Charles N. (Skip) Alexander’s contribution to psychology. Journal of Adult Development, 7(4), 199-215.
Orme-Johnson, D.W.; Zimmerman, E.; Hawkins, M. (1997) Maharishi’s Vedic Psychology: The science of the Cosmic Psyche. In Asian Perspectives on Psychology, Eds. H.S.R. Kao and D. Sinha, Sage Publications, New Delhi.
Orme-Johnson, D. W. (1995). Summary of scientific research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programs. Modern Science and Vedic Science, 6(1).
Alexander, C.N., Davies, J.L., Dixon, C.A., Dillbeck, M.C., Druker, S.M., Oetzel, R.M., Muehlman, J.M., and Orme-Johnson, D.W. (1990). Growth of higher stages of consciousness: Maharishi's Vedic psychology of human development. In C.N. Alexander and E.J. Langer, Higher Stages of Human Development, Oxford University Press, pp. 286-387.
Orme-Johnson, D. W. (1988). The cosmic psyche as the unified source of creation: Verification through scientific principles, direct experience, and scientific research. Modern Science and Vedic Science, 2(2), 164-221.
Orme-Johnson, D. W. (1988). The cosmic psyche: an introduction to Maharishi’s Vedic psychology—the fulfillment of modern psychology. Modern Science and Vedic Science, 2(2), 113–163.
Alexander, C.N., Cranson, R.W., Boyer, W., & Orme-Johnson, D. (1986). Transcendental Consciousness: A fourth state of consciousness beyond sleep, dreaming, and waking. In Jayne Gackenbach, ed. Sourcebook on Sleep and Dreams. New York: Garland.
Alexander, C.N., Boyer, R.W., & Orme-Johnson, D.W. (1985). Distinguishing between transcendental consciousness and lucidity. Lucidity Letter, 2,(4), 67-76.
Orme-Johnson, D. W. (1976). The dawn of the Age of Enlightenment: Experimental evidence that the Transcendental Meditation technique produces a fourth and fifth state of consciousness in the individual and a profound influence of orderliness in society. In D. W. Orme-Johnson & J. T. Farrow (Eds.), Scientific research on the Transcendental Meditation program: Collected papers, Vol. 1 (pp. 671-691). Rheinweiler, W. Germany: MERU Press, 1977.
Orme-Johnson, D. W., & Duck, B. (1974). Psychological testing of MIU students: First report. In D. W. Orme-Johnson & J. T. Farrow (Eds.), Scientific research on the Transcendental Meditation program: Collected papers, Vol. 1 (pp. 470-475). Rheinweiler, W. Germany: MERU Press, 1977.